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Community Support


If you find yourself in crisis and are in need of material or financial assistance, please call the Yea Community House (5797 3070)  to make an appointment.  All appointments are held on Wednesdays 10am—1pm.

Your situation will be assessed by qualified staff at the Yea Community House. Assessments will be made at your appointment. Once you have completed an assessment, you will be able to collect your approved material assistance.  Our aim is to meet your immediate material needs, whilst working at understanding your situation. We want to assist you with any underlying long-term issues to prevent you from falling deeper into the poverty cycle. During school terms, emergency relief appointments can be made by calling the Yea Community House on 03 5797 3070.

***Please note the in order to receive emergency relief during school holidays, you will need to phone the Salvos assessment hotline on: 1300 371 288






The Yea Community Food Table has been running for some years with great response! The table is a free (or by donation/ swap) produce stand, in the foyer of the Yea Council Library/ Community House each Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (and most other days too). It is supported by local school gardens, Yea Food Crew volunteers and many local gardeners. People can pay as little or as much as they can afford, and are encouraged to bring in excesses from their own gardens to donate to the Table, and to think about planting a little extra to share. Bring excess produce to Yea Community House. 


The Little Free Pantry provides non-perishable pantry staples, such as flour, tinned food, UHT milk, and snacks at no cost to whoever needs them. The Little Free Pantry is  located right next to the Community Food Table, and is supported by donations from community groups such as Rotary, the Yea Railway Market, and local schools. St Luke's op-shop Yea, make monthly cash donations that is used to purchase food from FoodBank.  Donations from community members are also welcome.


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